Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Very Happy Unbirthday!

As promised, here are the pictures from last night:

My Mad Hatter attire turned out amazing, especially Kyle's suggestion to put reddish brown eye shadow underneath my eyes to emphasize lack of sleep, just like Disney's delightful version of him. :)

Kyle's Ron Burgundy? Yes, he is the arrogant, yet sophisticated and talented personality that is Channel 4 news in San Diego's own Ron Burgundy.

Posing between rocking out to the band at Kyles friends' house. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the band's name, but they were a pretty decent cover band:

The first video clip is of their version of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit." The second clip is of Kyle's rendition of Weird Al's "Smells Like Nirvana." Enjoy!


1 comment:

Preston said...

Great costumes. It looks like you guys had a blast!