Friday, March 27, 2009

Best Nap of My Life

So, I had my surgery and it wasn't that bad. The anesthesia knocked me out within a minute and when I woke up, it was as if I was asleep for only a second. I think I did wake up for a split second while they were working on my teeth 'cause I remember hearing drilling and bones cracking. But it was one of the best naps of my life. :)

I'm still numb from the anesthesia and my surgery was about 6 hours ago. Needless to say, drinking has been an adventure, as some of whatever I've drank has dribbled down my chin without me knowing, lol.

The doc put a stronger dosage of Tylenol in my IV while I was under, so the pain's not supposed to wear off until about 9:30. I feel it on my right side right now, but I have a high threshold for pain. I have vicodin and also an antibiotic I have to take to prevent a risk of infection.

The pharmacy was a pain in the ass. Since I can't talk due to gauze and risk of ripping my stitches, Kyle had to speak for me. The guy who took the drop offs was very helpful and understanding. He told us to come back at 6 to pick up the script. Well, the woman at the pick up counter was a huuuuuge bitch. Kyle told her I couldn't talk 'cause I just had teeth surgery. She then proceeds to ask questions, like, "What's your date of birth?" expecting me to answer. So, Kyle answers for me and she suspiciously says, "She doesn't know her own birthday?" And Kyle, annoyed, repeats, "I just told you she had tooth surgery. She can't talk." And the woman goes, "Oh, I didn' t hear you." She was so rude and just ignorant.

I treated myself "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" to help me feel better 'cause that movie is hilarious and I've been wanting to get it for awhile. I rarely ever buy anything for myself other than food and anything we need for the apartment. I'm happy.

And I have Kyle here. Since I can't talk, we've reverted back to the old days of using AIM to communicate, lol. I love him.

Gonna go make a smoothie in a bit before I change my gauze. I'm sooooooooooooo hungry!!!!! On the bright side, I'll probably lose a lot of weight during my soft food/liquid diet. Not to mention NO MORE MIGRAINES AND INFECTIONS!

I'm ecstatic. Hopefully the healing process is smooth sailing. :)


I'm Losing A Bunch of Wisdom Today

It's amazing how many problems pain from just your teeth can cause you. Between migraines, infections, swollen jaw--you name it--I cannot wait to get these stupid wisdom teeth out of my head today. However, I'm getting pretty anxious about it, as I've never had surgery of any kind before and am nervous about how I will react to the anesthesia.

My appointment isn't until 2:20 today, but I took the entire day off of work to get some cleaning done around the apartment, as I will most likely be too incapacitated to do any work or want to do any work, and to allow myself to calm down before going to my appointment. I feel all jittery and probably will until I am put under.

Kyle's staying by my side the entire weekend, and I love him so much. Hopefully I won't be too much of a pain in the ass this weekend; I hate being needy.

Anyway, wish me luck. Hopefully the healing process will be really quick and I'll be functioning well enough to feel all right at work on Monday.