Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Body is Amazing

For the past year, I haven't felt like I was 24 years old. I felt my joints swelling all the time, then I developed chronic costochondritis (the inflammation of cartilage between the ribs and the breastbone), and then abdominal and lower back pain that the doctors were unsure of what it was and what was causing it, but gave me meds for it anyway that helped slightly.

Feeling like I'd have all this pain forever, holding me back from things I used to enjoy without having to sit down to rest after 20 minutes or even just making me feel miserable almost everyday--the pain suddenly went away.

Yup, it was those stupid wisdom teeth the whole time. I kid you not! As soon as they were extracted from my mouth, the pain I had been experiencing since last April was gone. They must had been striking a nerve that was causing my body to react the way it's been.

It's amazing the weird things the body does and just how small of an object can cause such huge pain and problems. Not to mention they were causing me to have migraines every day for several months on top of all that. So if I ever seemed grumpy to you for the past year--you now know why.

Needless to say, despite the fact that I developed a slight case of dry socket which really sucks and hurts like hell (not to mention the medicine my periodontist gave me tastes god-awful), I am so thankful I got those teeth out.